A proposed Mixed-Use project which includes ten residential units, and an adjacent commercial development which includes a pool area and below grade clubhouse.  

The design of the residential component prioritizes connectivity to the street by including expansive south-facing balconies framed by a Brise Soleil. This design element leverages zoning exceptions to project into the front yard to activate the facade. The Brise Soleil and balconies serve to filter, provide shade, minimize glare, and provide solar heating.  The project includes 20% affordable Transitional Youth (TFY) Housing units which will provide a safe and supportive environment for young adults transitioning from foster care or juvenile justice systems.

The commercial component adds an outdoor pool area and below grades club-house with amenities spaces, to supplement the outdoor spaces of an existing urban inn.

The project is a collaboration with OFKA and Loescher Meachem Architects, with Good Project Company acting as the Lead Architect